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The Accumetrics'
Multi-Channel Telemetry System Series AT–7000 allows machine designers and maintenance personnel to measure exactly what is happening on the rotating components of their equipment while it is in operation—without the need for slip rings.
The system can combine any customized mix of ordinary sensors: strain gages, thermocouples, RTDs, accelerometers, as well as motor/generator field voltages, currents, and ground fault currents. The measurements are continuously streamed to the user
as analog (±10 V or 4-20 mA) or digital data.
General purpose rotating shaft sensor applications where multiple channels are needed:
With an AT-7000 System, sensor signals are amplified, anti-alias filtered, and 12-bit digitized while on the rotor. A data stream of digital data is wirelessly transferred off rotor by close proximity RF transformer coils (even when the shaft is not rotating). The digital data streams are carried by a coaxial cable to the remote receiver for digital output or conversion to analog voltage (±10 V typically). Software may be provided for control and data archiving of thermocouple data. The Multi-Channel Telemetry System Series AT-7000 is highly customizable and can be designed to meet your specific needs.
Stationary Loop